“For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven.” – Ecclesiastes 3: 1 The new year…
Christian Date Night Ideas for The Couple on a Budget
Having regular date nights (or day dates) is important to protecting, enhancing and spicing up your relationship or marriage. It’s…

Preparing For Life Post-Quarantine
Many of us may have seen posts pertaining to the fact that if you don’t leave this quarantine period with…

Read & Chill (Because we’re over Netflix)
Out goes ‘Netflix and chill’ as we’ve exhausted every series there is to watch thrice over! With lockdown extended for…

4 Ideas To Celebrate International Women’s Day
Happy International Women’s Day – a day that comes but once a year to highlight and celebrate the social, economic,…
5 Places to Eat Pancakes in London
Pancake day, originally known as Shrove Tuesday was a day marked the last day before Lent for Christians. In preparation…

Love Language: 5 Books to Add to Your Reading List
According to the world, February is the month of ‘love’. A bit stingy if you ask me, considering we…
The Selfish Christian
January has flown by and it’s basically Christmas again (slight exaggeration) but the point I’m making is time shows no…
The Key To 2020 Vision
The key to having 2020 vision is……….*cue drum roll* ………fasting! Sorry (not sorry) if you were expecting directions to your…

Fixed and Focused: A Healthy Mindset
________________________________ ‘Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus’Philippians 2:5 ________________________________ A verse in the book of Philippians that…