Googling God CategoriesFAITH / Featured

Googling God: The Internet or the Word?

The internet or the Word? Decisions, decisions…..Why go to google when you can go to God?, may be the precise…

CategoriesFAITH / Featured

4 Tips for Walking with God

We all live fast-paced lives and sometimes barely have time to pray or even have purposeful thoughts toward our Creator.…

CategoriesFAITH / Featured

Navigating Artificial Intelligence as a Christian

Navigating Artificial Intelligence as a Christian is the focus of the day and if you have ever seen the movie…

Singer Songwriter Ryan Hylton - GRACE Magazine CategoriesFEATURES

An Interview with Ryan Hylton

Please introduce yourself to our GRACE readers? Hello GRACE readers, I am Ryan Hylton and I am a singer songwriter…

Social Media Evangelism: Spreading the Gospel Online - GRACE Magazine CategoriesFAITH / Featured

Social Media Evangelism: Spreading the Gospel Online

Gone are not the days of handing out tracts, going door-to-door or using a megaphone in a busy high street to talk…