GRACE Magazine: 7-Tips on Time Management CategoriesFeatured / LIFESTYLE / TIPS

7 Tips on Time Management

“For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven.” – Ecclesiastes 3: 1 The new year…

GRACE Magazine: 10 Christians on Our Style Radar CategoriesFASHION / Featured

10 Christians on our Style Radar

By now, I’d like to think that we all know that being fashionable is not a sin to God, and…


Live in Humility

For years we have been sold a humility that is weak and inactive. I have seen countless people in the…


‘Love is’: How-to Apply 1Corinthians 13 While You Date

It’s 2022, you’re single, and your age mates are doing #BaeForLife with their spouses. But this isn’t bad news for…